DS Infection Prevention and Control Level 2
Online Course
Infection Prevention and Control Legislation
- Overview of key legislation
- Where to obtain information about IPC
World Health Organisation
- 8 Core Components for Effective Infection Control
Overview of Infection Control
- Development and Implementation of Policies and Procedures
- Healthcare providers roles and responsibilities
Contribute to Infection Prevention
- Responsibilities of visitors and contractors to healthcare settings
Infection Prevention and Control Precautions
- Hand hygiene
- Management of Blood and Body Fluid Spillage
- Management of Occupational Exposure
- Management of the environment
- Management of care equipment
Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)
- Chain of infection
Transmission of Micro-organisms
- Direct transmission
- Fomite transmission
- Aerosol transmission
- Oral transmission
- Vector-borne transmission
Infection Control Measures
- Infectious Agent
- Reservoir
- Portal of Exit and Mode of Transmission
- Portal of Entry
- Susceptible host
- ‘Herd’ Immunity
Three Levels of Decontamination
- Cleaning, Disinfection, Sterilisation
- Individuals’ roles and responsibilities
Effective Use of Single-Use Items
- Donning
- Doffing
- Selection of appropriate PPE
- Safe use of PPE
Conducting an Infection Prevention and Control Risk Assessment
- Identify hazards
- Assess Risks
- Identify Control Measures
- Monitoring, Review, and documentation
Alert Organisms and Conditions
- Tuberculosis
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Hepatitis C
- Respiratory Viruses
- Norovirus
- HAIs
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
How to Safely Manage Patients with Specific Alert Organisms
- Appropriate Infection Prevention and Control Measures
Routine Cleaning
- National Colour Coding Scheme
- Low-Level Decontamination
- Intermediate Level Decontamination
- High-Level Decontamination