Equality, Diversity & Human Rights
Online Course
Equality, Diversity & Human Rights
This module has been developed to provide a good understanding and overview of the key elements of equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. It will also emphasise the importance of equality in enabling the individual to value the rights of others, including equal opportunities irrespective of beliefs, culture, values and preferences. The common core strategic principles for equality and diversity provide a framework to support health and social care workers in consistently making sure that equality and diversity issues are central to ensuring the needs of the service users are met.
- On completing the module learners will be able to:
- Define what is meant by equality, diversity and inclusion.
- Identify three common barriers to equality, diversity and inclusion
- Understand and apply key legislation on equality & diversity.
- Identify how discrimination might occur, whether deliberate or inadvertently
- Provide inclusive support
- Know where to access information, advice and support in regard to equality and diversity
- Promote best practice within their organisation.
Course theory content will be made available after purchasing the course
Our course is made up of 2 components.
- Course Theory
- End of Course Test