DS Person Centred Care
Online Course
Introduction to Person-Centred Care
- Definition and significance
- Core principles and values
Legal and Ethical Frameworks
- Relevant legislation and guidelines in the UK
- Ethical considerations in person-centred care
- Patient rights and responsibilities
Assessment and Care Planning
• Involving patients and families in the care planning process
Implementing Person-Centred Care Practices
- How to deliver Person Centred Care
- Core Values of Person Centred Care
- Using Care Values and Principles to Ensure Choice and Independence
Enhancing Patient Experience and Engagement
- The Importance of Promoting Person Centred Values
- Improving patient satisfaction and outcomes, reporting concerns, distress anddiscomfort
- History, Preferences, Wishes and Needs
- The Care Plan explained
Evaluating and Improving Person-Centred Care
- Measuring the effectiveness of care practices
- Continuous improvement and feedback mechanisms
- Implementing quality improvement initiatives
- Whistleblowing